Media Ownership

- the BBC is funded 75% by the public
- that comes from the license fee of £154

Public Service Broadcasting (PSB):

-PSB means that programmes are made for the public there are no advertisements. The BBC is an example of PSB
- Public Service Broadcasting generally transmit programming that aims to improve society by informing viewers
- Public service broadcasters also strive to entertain the viewers


  1. Programs must reflect the diversity of the UK 
  2. Programmes must be distinctive original and not copy/ rebroadcast of american TV
  3. Programme must inform viewers 
Remit --> The responsibility of a programme 

The BBC Remit

- To enrich peoples lives with programme and services that inform, educate and entertain 
- 'To reflect the Uk's culture and values to the world'.

5 marks = 2 points
something about e.g. PSB BBC there to test understanding
Always about industry

Explain how a public service company operates differently to a commercial company. Uses use an example to support your answer (4)

A public service broadcaster operates differently to a commercial company. An example of this is the BBC and ITV, BBC is a public service company and ITV is a commercial company. The BBC will be funded by Publications and mainly through the TV license's and has no ad breaks. BBC shows will be documentaries, political and reflective of the UKs society ; whereas ITV is commercial and would be funded through product placement, sponsorships with Ad's appearing to fund the channel with Tv shows such as Gossip and reality programmes. The BBC also has to stick to its remit. Which is to inform, Educate and entertain these are all seen in the Documantaries and political shows.

Structure of the BBC

- The BBC is a cross media organisation - one of the largest in Europe
- This means it is vertically and horizontally integrated

Vertical and horizontal integration

Vertical integration
In which media company has the ability to control the production(pre,prod,post), distribution and exchange (consumption/exhibition) of a product

Horizontal integration 
In which a media company has a number of subsidiary companies that are used to support marketing of its products.

Vertical Integration à When a production company has complete ownership of the production, distribution & exhibition of the film by the same company and receive all of the profit.

Horizontal Integration à When a production company expands into other areas 
of on industry. The company can develop in a particular area of production 
(prod, distexhib) or can buy out another company that deals with these areas 

and therefore reduce competitors

Taken from the BBC website to the BBC player website. Which then takes you to the Dr Who page were you can access all of the series. there is also a the use of horizontal integration as it goes from a television programme to an interactive website all about the show attracting the younger audience making it relevant to them an a platform accessible and understood by them

Companies that are both vertically and horizontally integrated are able to create synergy across their output.

This means they are able to promote their output - for example, Dr Who - is an efficient and profitable manner, whilst at the same time creating a recognisable brand.

Synergy is the joining of efforts between two mainly media companies to get the media out ontevery media outlet e.g. Assassins creed movies games and books it started as a game and is now a much bigger brand  

BBC Dr Who Shop

Remit of ITV
Launched 1955, it is the oldest commercial network in the Uk

It was established in order to provide competition to BBC television (established 1932)

It currently has:
47.6% largest share of uk advertising market
21.7% share of viewing for ITV family in 2017
21m registered users of ITV hub

Commerical television

The aim of commercial stations (ITV, 5 and SKY) is to provide popular shows that attract an audience - therefore leading to higher prices when advertising is sold

All commercial terrestrial stations (ITV,5) are funded by advertising

Synergy is the joining of efforts between two mainly media companies to get the media out ontevery media outlet e.g. Assassins creed 


  1. Good notes here Josh and great response to the exam question.

    Lots of keywords & fab definitions here, so don't forget to use your blog posts when revising!

    Miss C

  2. Good notes here Josh and great response to the exam question.

    Lots of keywords & fab definitions here, so don't forget to use your blog posts when revising!

    Miss C


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