TV advertising & marketing

  • Traditional advertising - Advertising through print based 
  • Digital advertising - Advertising through the internet 
  • Consume -To watch, listen or read media 
  • Example of traditional advertising - Billboards 
  • Example of digital advertising - Social media Ads    

    Technological convergence: Allows audiences to access media content from multiple platforms all from one device 

    A Black box is a device that supplies us with all of our information and media requirements (e.g. smart phone) 

    • The boom (1998-2001) was a huge rise in the number of internet based companies 
    • There was then a shift from web 1.0 to Web 2.0
    • It was the possibility of 'staying' online and interacting online which really changed things. 

    Web 2.0
    Web 2.0 site allows users to interact and collaborate with each other in social media dialogue as creators (prosumers) of user generated content 

    2003 - 2006



    2014- 2020 Facebook and iPhones 

    Impact of online distribution 

    Music and television can now be downloaded streamed or simulated at the click of a button - without ever having to leave your armchair. It is available to you whenever, wherever

    Define these keywords
    -BBC remit to inform, educate and entertain - a remit is something that a channel must provide to its audience
    -When two or more companies come together to make a media product
    - When a brand advertises to their target audience making them aware that this brand is for them - using a logo or slogan constantly to promote a brand

    When a media product is broadcast both online and via a traditional medium at the same time. In television terms, it could refer to programme being broadcast on two different channels

    Narrowcast Channel's
    Television channels that distribute special interest (niche) content
    - Horror channel

    Below the line advertising
    The distribution of pamphlets, stickers, promotions etc. at the point of sale

    Online advertising


    1. Not bad notes here, but it does seem a tad jumbled!

      In a reflection comment respond below -

      Why is simulcasting successful for media products?

      Miss C

      1. Simulcasting is successful as it is able to access a wider amount of audiences on different platforms


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